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Access to and use of the Diatto website is provided subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully as use of this site constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
All contents of this website are subject to the copyright of Diatto Spa. Reproduction or transmission, in whole or in part, of any material (text, pictures, video files, audio files and artwork) on this website, is prohibited without the express prior written permission of Diatto Spa. Modification or redistribution of any such material to third parties in any form or by any means is also prohibited. In the case that Diatto Spa has given prior written authorization for the reproduction of material on this website, its use is permitted only if the source of the information has been clearly stated.
The Diatto name and logo are registered trademarks of Diatto Spa.
These trademarks may not be modified, used, downloaded, copied or distributed in any way or by any means unless part of an authorized download, copy or transmission of material on this website.